Police and Law Enforcement Legal Representation

Nabor Giblin & Nickerson, P.A. has, with the addition of Bradley H. Weissman and Alain E. Boileau in our South Florida office, an expanded ability to represent and advise local governments and constitutional officers in law enforcement matters, including development of policies and law enforcement training in the areas of Fourth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Sixth Amendment, Fourteenth Amendment, public records laws, report writing, trial and deposition preparation and testimony, advise on the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act, and criminal procedure. Additionally, NG&N can assist with drafting mutual aid and other law enforcement related agreements, providing counsel to police command staff regarding legal matters relating to law enforcement operations and management, providing counsel to the investigations and operations personnel on day-to-day operational matters, drafting search warrants, and case preparation for submission to prosecuting authorities.  NG&N is also available to provide counsel to Internal Affairs personnel regarding the applications of the Police Officer Bill of Rights and other employment issues, negotiating and drafting police collective bargaining agreements, and litigation involving claims against law enforcement officers.