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Decisions of Interest

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Friends of Wakulla Springs State Park 5K Run

Members of Nabors, Giblin & Nickerson participated in the Friends of Wakulla Springs State Park 5K Run on May 16, 2015 at the Edward Ball Wakulla Springs State Park in Wakulla Springs Florida.  Friends of Wakulla Springs State Park is a non-profit citizens support organization started in 1996 to support the stewardship of natural and cultural resources within the park.

As the County Attorney for Wakulla County, members of Nabors, Giblin & Nickerson are pleased to support activities that directly benefit the citizens and natural resources of Wakulla County.

Pictured from left to right – Evan Rosenthal, Greg Stewart, Lynn Hoshihara, Heather Encinosa,
John Jenkins and Kerry Parsons.

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